Friday, May 19, 2006

El discurso del privilegio

Espero que chekeen El discurso del privilegio según Luis Britto García, es increible, se puede sustituir "venezolano" por "dominicano" sin desperdicio.

Esta raro que hoy me haya encontrado con eso si le he dado mente a esas mismas cosas fuertemente ultimamente.

In the social sciences, a discourse is considered to be an institutionalized way of thinking, a social boundary defining what can be said about a specific topic, or, as Judith Butler puts it, "the limits of acceptable speech" - or possible truth. Discourses are seen to affect our views on all things; in other words, it is not possible to escape discourse.

Foucault's works analyze the link between power and knowledge. He outlines a form of covert power that works through people rather than only on them. Foucault claims belief systems gain momentum (and hence power) as more people come to accept the particular views associated with that belief system as common knowledge. Such belief systems define their figures of authority, such as medical doctors or priests in a church. Within such a belief system -- or discourse -- ideas crystallize as to what is right and what is wrong, what is normal and what is deviant. Within a particular belief system certain views, thoughts or actions become unthinkable. These ideas, being considered undeniable "truths", come to define a particular way of seeing the world, and the particular way of life associated with such "truths" becomes normalized.


liquido said...

Claro, hay que crear supersticiones, verdades comunes que ni son verdades, ni son comunes, valores contradictorios, pero expresados de forma sencilla para que sean digeribles y parezcan evidentes; toda una estructura de pensamiento sin sentido, tan sin sentido que nadie se detiene a analizar y cuestionar, y sobre la que se construyen nuestras viciadas estructuras sociales.

If cows where the dominant class, vegetarianism would be the highest of values.

Damaris said...

si... En verdad es más cómodo creerse todo el discurso que sentirse en un mundo profundamente injusto, es más fácil creerse que el Agripino habla por ti que maldecirlo gruñendo...